Losing not only a Drummer, but a friend...

Post date: Aug 02, 2015 5:53:31 AM

Sad to say that my drummer from another mother, in the country field, is graduating and pursuing a new musical opportunity. I'm definitely happy he's taking advantage of the opportunity presented to him and I wish him all the blessings on this new venture. This guy is a husband, father, and student, plus he does gigs to try and make ends meet. It really saddens me that our musical bond will be detached for longer periods of time. I've grown in music with him and we've gelled so tight that we get compliments on the rhythm section on just about every gig. It's nice when two musicians interpret the music and offer up the same accents to the music at the same time. This was truly a nice bond and I look forward to doing future hits with him. But until then, the best of luck, love and success.
